Don't stand on that chair, it's got a weak leg. 那张椅子有一条腿不结实,不要站在上面。
I couldn't stand on my left leg and my heAD was woozy from hitting the ground. 我的左腿不能站立,由于与地面碰撞,头晕目眩。
Stand on one leg ( hold on to a counter if you need to) and do leg lifts to the front, side, back, and up like you're marching. 单腿站立(如果需要的话可手扶台面),另一条腿前伸、侧伸、后伸,再抬腿屈膝,就像列队行进一样。
Other exercises:& Stand and lift your right arm straight out in front of you while swinging your left leg back and forth, and vice versa, to work on coordination, says Mr. Jackson. 约翰逊说,身体直立并将右臂向前平伸,同时前后摆动左腿,反之亦然。这是为了锻炼协调能力。
How long can a goose stand on one leg? 意思是一只鹅能够单脚站立多长时间?
My leg hurts and I cannot stand. I think my leg is broken. 我腿疼,站不起来。我的腿好像骨折了。
Can a goose stand on one leg? 单脚独立是鹅能站多久?
Stand on a single leg with foot pointing straight ahead and knee slightly flexed while maintaining a stable position over your2nd& 3rd toe. 单腿站立,另一条腿膝盖略微弯曲对准第二与第三脚趾的位置,脚趾向前,稳定的保持一段时间。
I will not step on doorsills or stand leaning on one leg. 脚不要踏门槛。站立时,身体不要歪靠在一只脚。
If you stand on one leg and observe for a time what you do to keep upright, you may notice that the adjustment to your posture can happen anywhere from your ankles all the way to your head. 一如果用一只脚站立保持身体直立姿势一段时间后你就会发现:身体为保持这个姿势做出的调整是从下到上各个部位的。
Because they can't stand up to the close examination, the two prisoners failed to leg it before being caught again. 没能躲过严密地搜查,这两个囚犯没逃多远就被抓了回来。
When they rest, they often stand on one leg. 当它们休息时,它们常常是用一支脚站著。
Stand with feet together, arms extended like airplane wings. Exhale, and lift the right leg forward and up. 双腿并拢站立,双臂像飞机双翼样伸展。吸气,(呼气)向上向前抬起右腿。
Indexes of body constitution, including grasp force, bend-ahead in sitting, stand up on one leg with eyes closed, choice reaction time simple reaction time, back strength, 10 m × 4 shuttle run, and pushup ( male)/ sit-up ( female) etc. 身体素质指标,包括握力、坐位体前屈、闭眼单腿站立、选择反应时、简单反应时、背力、纵跳、10m×4往返跑、俯卧撑(男)/仰卧起坐(女)等。